If you decide to proceed with the installation of solar PV panels, take a look at these tips to ensure you get the most out of them:

  • Use more electricity during the day: Solar PV panels are most effective during daylight hours, so think about carrying out tasks such as washing and running the dishwasher during the day, rather than overnight. If you are usually out during the day, inbuilt timers for appliances can come in handy.
  • Consider other renewable systems: If you are able to, it can be worth combining solar PV panels with other renewable technologies such as heat pumps, thermal panels and wind turbines.
  • Install a solar battery or energy storage system: As mentioned above, this allows you to store energy generated in the day to use at night, reducing the need to use electricity from the Grid.
  • Reduce energy wastage: Steps such as turning off lights when not in use, taking shorter showers and draught-proofing your home will reduce how much energy you use.
  • Keep solar panels clean: It’s important to regularly clean your solar panels – you can buy solar panel cleaning kits, or you can install automated cleaners that are a bit like sprinkler systems. Alternatively, you can pay for a cleaning company to do the hard work for you!

Power Your Home with Beautiful Solar

Power Your Home with Beautiful Solar

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