Things to consider

If you’re thinking of installing renewables in your home, there are a few things to consider before you start.

First, you’ll need to consider what’s possible for your home. Some technologies simply won’t be compatible – for example, a ground source heat pump will require a large outdoor space. If you don’t have a garden, then this won’t be suitable for you.

Once you’ve narrowed to a list of technologies that are possible, you can then rank them based on how well they would perform for your energy needs. Are you looking to save energy and make your home more sustainable, or looking for which technology could save you the most money? Should the system provide all of your energy needs, or will it work in support of another?

Ensure your home is as energy efficient as it can be

This will help you get the most out of your new system. Think about insulating your property wherever you can, and using your appliances, lighting and water more efficiently.

What do you want to achieve with your renewable energy?

This will influence which technology is most appropriate for you. Many people want to save money and reduce their emissions, while other factors can also have an impact:

  • If you need to replace your boiler or central heating system, installing a new biomass boiler or heat pump becomes more cost-effective
  • If your priority is to save carbon dioxide, consider wood-fuelled heating, a large wind turbine or a large solar PV system
  • If you want to do a bit for the environment but have limited funds, think about a cheaper option such as solar water heating
  • If you live in an isolated rural property with no mains electricity, you may get the most reliable off-grid supply from hydro or from a mixture of wind and solar PV

Power Your Home with Beautiful Solar

Power Your Home with Beautiful Solar

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